Williams Carpet Care


Removing Pet Odors & Stains


It happens… pet accidents in your home ☹

The 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey reported that 85 million families own at least one pet. That’s millions of 4-legged family members!

Whether you are introducing a new puppy or kitten to their forever home, or father time has taken his tole, “accidents” will be a part of a pet owner’s life. Here at Williams Carpet Care we love our pets, and we are here to suit you up against the battle on pet stains.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:
(You will need the following: white paper towels, laundry detergent, and an old newspaper

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

(You will need the following: white paper towels, laundry detergent, and an old newspaper)

  1. Identify the source
  2. Blot as much of the fresh urine as possible with a thick layer of paper towels
  3. Apply diluted detergent (1/4 teaspoon of clean dish washing detergent with 1 cup of water) to pet spot
  4. Rinse diluted detergent with clean water and blot the area of paper towels
  5. Call Williams Carpet Care to do the rest (Don’t forget to ask for a pet treatment!)

We hope our tips have helped prepare you to contend with those pet odors and stains. You can always call our office for professional advice at 910.476.5459